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~Independent Guide~


A full year Charlotte Mason High School Biology guide that uses Living Books & DVDs, is aligned to state standards and includes Labs and CM style exams. This guide comes as a digital download and does not include any books.


Personal Thoughts:

This Biology guide uses the best living books and videos along with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to create a year-long study that feeds the soul, challenges the mind and provides a firm foundation for college and/or life.


The booklist for this guide is longer than some of my other guides as I was challenged finding truly living materials to meet State Standards. Many of these books are books CM families have on the shelf anyway (and are looking for a way to use them) and many you will want to keep on the shelf for future reference.


Your student will learn all of the nitty gritty details of biology along with its history, biographies of its greatest contributors, a discussion from both sides of the Evolution debate, Ecology with John Muir, nature journaling with Edith Holden and labs within the context of their study.


Each guide comes with a letter to the student which briefly outlines what makes this guide different and what is expected from them to make it work. The guide itself is designed to be able to be used independently and is set up in units. Each unit has an overview paragraph. Each unit is set up for a 4 day week. In each daily box there are the books listed for the reading(s) for that day with page range indicated. I give 45 minutes per day on our schedule for Biology. At the end of each unit there is a unit exam. These exams are aligned to state standards and give the student an opportunity to practice some research skills (book and/or internet).


This has been an amazing thing for our family. Biology has so many opportunities for connections. It is a shame many people have a negative idea of this amazing branch of Science. My hope is that I have created something to remedy the problem.


Units Titles:


Unit 1 - The Chemistry of Life & The History of Biology Plus Nature Journaling

Unit 2 - Microbes & Biographies (Monera & Protista)

Unit 3 - Cell Theory, Anatomy and Physiology

Unit 4 - Kingdom Plantae, Fungi & Genetics

Unit 5 - Evolution & Creationism

Unit 6 - Kingdom Animalia & Biographies

Unit 7 - Ecology & Behavioral Relationships / Global Issues & Stewardship


This guide requires the purchase of 15 additional resources (Living Books/DVDs). I am sorry! This is my most extensive booklist- but I felt it was necessary and truly feel it is worth the investment.


Book list by Title Only:

“Biology 101 DVDs” (optional but recommended)

“The Biology Coloring Book”

“The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady”

“Drawing from Nature”

“Men, Microscopes & Living Things”

“The Science of Life”

“Microbe Hunters”

“Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope” (If you need to cut a corner, cut it here. You could google images)

“A World in a Drop of Water”


“Botany in 8 Lessons”

“The Illustrated Origins Answer Book”

“The Handbook of Nature Study”

“Exploring the World Around You”

“The Wilderness World of John Muir”

High School Biology


    S.Timothy Online

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